

At Lakeside Vision Center, Dr. Duzman is proud to offer Latisse (Bimateprost 0.03% ophthalmic solution). We have many happy clients that have enhanced their lashes using this treatment. Approved in 2008, Latisse is the first and only FDA approved prescription medication available for inadequate lashes, helping them grow longer, fuller and darker. In clinical trials carried out in 16 sites across the US in patients of all ages, lash growth was seen in 78% of participants. Latisse is very similar to a commonly used medication called Lumigan used for the treatment of chronic open angle glaucoma. While using Lumigan in practice over the past 10 years, Ophthalmologists have discovered that patients using Lumigan for Glaucoma experienced significant growth and thickening of their eyelashes. This led to the work that eventually allowed for the approval of LATISSE.

Latisse works on the hair follicle. When eyelashes develop, they are in the Anagen, or growth, phase. As they reach the end of this phase, they weaken and eventually fall out. The shorter the anagen phase, the weaker and shorter the lashes are. Researchers have discovered that bimatoprost prolongs the growth phase, which allows lashes to grow longer, thicker, and darker.

Latisse is designed to be used as a daily application for 4 months while the follicles are stimulated. A maintenance phase follows. This phase requires anywhere from a once a week to three times a week application. This phase maintains the lash growthas well as the lash fullness. If one stops Latisse, lashes will recede to their native state.

Latisse is a very safe medication. It is applied to the bases of the eyelashes on the skin. The parent medication, Lumigan, has been used in the eye for over ten years with excellent tolerability and little side effects. Some of the uncommon side effects that may be seen with Latisse are darkening of the skin in the application area, and mild redness of the eyes. These are reversible when the medication is stopped.

Latisse Results

The effect of Latisse may be seen as early as one month post treatment but may take up to 4 months depending of the state of your lash follicles. When making the decision to use Latisse, one should make the commitment to use the product for at least 4 months every day. In most cases, we see some lash growth in the early period of treatment that only improves with time. During the maintenance period, lash growth should be consistent and one should judge the frequency of Latisse application based on the desired length and fullness.

Dr. Duzman has extensive experience with both Lumigan and Latisse. There are very few contraindications to the use of Latisse. Only through a thorough and complete evaluation of your eyes and lashes by Dr. Duzman, will he be able to assess whether you are a good candidate for Latisse. Please ask Dr. Duzman or our friendly staff about Latisse. It may change the way your eyes look and give you the longer, fuller and darker lashes you desire.